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Outcome Three:
Integrate Sources and Tools


Playing around with layers in canva to create album cover


Using UW Libraries advanced search to refine results

Outcome three is important because it helps to build ethos. Having reputable sources that one uses in an ethical way is critical to support any composition. This quarter, I learned about the TRAAP test: Timeliness, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose. I also came to understand that the context in which something was created and published is important. Not all “reputable” or “academically appropriate” sources need to come from a scientific journal or government website. 


This class was the first time I used and explored UW library’s online database. This was extremely helpful and I imagine this experience will only help me in further classes and projects. I was able to search for and filter through articles to support arguments I made in my pitch bible. When I found sources outside the library database, I made sure to walk through the TRAAP test to ensure that the sources I cited were still reputable. To ensure I used sources ethically, I made sure to have in text citations as well as a works cited page. 


Over the quarter, I gained and strengthened multimodal composition skills. Through using Audacity to edit my podcast, I was able to learn basic functions of audio editing, like how to splice audio clips, make audio fade, change volume, and more. For projects like the pitch bible, I was able to strengthen my digital design skills. I played around with layering effects in canva and made designs more cohesive by having a unifying theme and color palette. From the start of my quarter with my time capsule listicle to my pitch bible, I feel like there was major improvement in my digital design skills. By the end of this course, I thought more intentionally of how to combine the five modes.

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Found out about Audacity's fade effect after doing some online research

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